Saturday, May 19, 2012

Training Day Fifty Seven

Yesterday I posted my 100th entry on the website. At that time I didn't know how to celebrate that fact. So, today, I've taken some time and put some effort into it. As a token of my appreciation for all of your interest in me I've filmed parts of today's workout. The clip gives you a peek into my routines and what my current strategy is. Hope you enjoy!

Today's calves and delts workout:
- 3x20 Horizontal calf raises
- 4x12 Horizontal calf raises (Squat machine)
- 4x12 Leg press calf raises
- 5x5 Shoulder press (Smith machine)
- 3x8 Dumbbell front delt raise
- 3x8 Dumbbell lateral delt raise
- 3x12 Cable lateral delt raise
- 3x8 Reverse fly machine
- 3x12 Cable one arm reverse flyes

Just as the video reveals, today's workout was pretty good. The calves workout started out a bit slow, not really enabling me to properly targeting my calves. The delt workout, on the other hand, was strong and steady. All in all, a good day to get a good pump.

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