Saturday, May 26, 2012

Training Day Sixty Two

The adventures of the runny nose continues and so does my series of low intensity workouts. Right now it's all about having a bit of fun and just getting the psychological benefit of being at the gym.

Today's calves and delts workout:
- 10x8 Standing calf raises (Squat machine)
- 5x25 Standing calf raises (Plain floor)
- 6x8 Seated dumbbell shoulder press
- 6x8 Standing dumbbell lateral delt raises
- 6x8 Seated bent over rear delt raises

Calves pic taken at home this afternoon (prior to hitting the gym).

Had a fun time at the gym yet again. There are no performance issues due to the simple fact that I'm not trying to perform. As long as this cold is hanging on, so are my low intensity workouts. Got a good pump though!

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