Friday, May 11, 2012

Training Day Fifty One

Yet another day of conducting my experiment at the University followed by a workout. Today's workout had triceps and hamstrings on the menu, and yet again I was able to keep a fairly high intensity.

Today's posterior muscle workout:
- 6x8 Stiff-legged deadlifts
- 4x12 Horizontal leg curls
- 3x8 Seated leg curls
- 4x8 1x6 Triceps pushdowns (horizontal bar)
- 1x12 2x8 Cable bent over triceps extensions (with rope)
- 3x8 Dumbbell one arm triceps extensions
- 3x8 Dips machine

Triceps posing - post workout.

I was probably a bit out of focus today as I had a hard time remembering how many reps I pulled off after each exercise. But, hopefully, most of what's written down is correct. I also got some good pointers for my hamstrings workout today. It seems as if I've been positioning my feet slightly incorrect during my workouts. After some fiddling around I finally got it right and had myself a real good hamstrings workout. You gotta listen to learn and learn to listen!

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