Sunday, May 6, 2012

Training Day Forty Eight

I'm making a lot of entries today, and there is good reason for this as well. Today is not only quad day, but it's also removing-calories-from-my-diet-day. And as if that wasn't enough, it's also cheat day number four. Three awesome things in one day - that must surely mean something extraordinary? And even if it doesn't, here's today's leg-busting workout!

Today's possibly extraordinary quad workout:
- 5x8 Leg press
- 3x12 Squat machine
- 4x12 Leg extensions

Quad pic taken at home prior to my workout.

I did a detour to the mall to get my bag of dietary cheat items prior to hitting the gym. I do believe this really helped me in pushing myself. All I could think of during the workout was sitting at the movies, with my girlfriend on one side and my bag of treats on the other. The visual reward of that was worth every second of pain.

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