Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Training Day Sixty

The incredible weather continues and so does my need for water. I've been drinking loads of water the last couple of days in order to keep the body satisfied. As much as the warmth is welcome, it also takes a toll on ones energy.

Today's back, trapz and forearms workout:
- 4x5 Lat pulldowns
- 1x4 Chins
- 3x8 Row machine
- 4x12 Good-mornings
- 3x12 Vertical barbell rows
- 3x12 Reverse biceps curl
- 5x10 Pronated barbell wrist curls (10 second rest between sets)

Back double biceps taken at home after my workout.

I'm breaking a lot of sweat training in the heat, and on top of that it seems as if I'm coming down with something. My girlfriend has been sick for a while and I think it's my turn now. Therefore, today's workout was all about playing it safe. That means few sets, easy reps and not pushing myself too much. I'll save the power outlet for later.

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