Friday, May 25, 2012

Training Day Sixty One

Just as the previous entry suspected I was indeed coming down with something. I'm currently writing with a runny nose and a slightly sore throat. Hence, today's workout was more about having fun than actually performing.

Today's hamstrings and triceps workout:
- 5x8 Horizontal leg curls
- 6x8 Seated leg curls
- 5x8 Triceps cable pushdowns (V-bar)
- 3x12 Seated french press (EZ-bar)
- 3x8 Triceps cable pushdowns (Rope)

Triceps pic taken at home after my workout.

Due to my current condition I decided to proceed with great caution today. The exercises was merely about getting a little bit of pump and enjoying myself. I didn't want to risk a major set-back by trying to push myself in any way. A relaxed day at the gym.

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