Monday, April 30, 2012

Training Day Forty Four

Long day at the University today. I'm currently in the process of conducting an experiment and there's lots of planning to be done. That very fact resulted in me staying late with my supervisor, which led to me doing my workout at the University gym in order to save some time.

Today's chest and biceps workout:
- 4x8 1x6-1x6 Incline dumbbell chest press (two last sets were dropsets)
- 3x12 Incline dumbbell chest flyes
- 3x12 Standing chest flyes
- 4x8 Standing barbell biceps curl
- 3x8 Standing cable biceps curl
- 3x8 Standing alternate dumbbell biceps curl

Flashy pic taken at home after my workout.

Due to being pressed for time (from staying late at the University and from having to get home to tonight's festivities), I had to cut things short. On top of that the gym was new to me and it did lack a few of my preferred machines. Because of this the exercises revolved around things that weren't occupied. Lots of pump exercises for chest, but a pretty solid workout for biceps.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Training Day Forty Three

First of all, yesterday's cheat day was a downer. I've not been eating chocolate bars for a long time, so I had a lot of suppressed chocolate cravings brewing inside of me. Half way through my chocolate munching episode I started getting sick of it. However, I'm not a quitter, so every single piece - except maybe a few centimeters (that ended up with my girlfriend) - was consumed before the first movie was over. I guess I'll just have to see it as a bonus for today's workout, which was quads.

Today's post-cheat-day-workout:
- 7x12 Leg press machine
- 5x15 Leg extensions machine

Quad pic taken at home after my workout.

I'm not sure how much of today's energy I can give the chocolate bars credit for, but I'm guessing it's a rep or two. In any case, today's workout was heavy and I really pushed myself to reach further than I normally do. This, of course, resulted in me hardly being able to walk afterwards. Bad cheat day, good workout!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Cheat Day Three

I know what you're thinking: What the fudge! Now he's having his cheat day one day early again?! And yes, you are correct, but as usual I have a bunch of awesome excuses. 1. my diet is going really well, so it won't really be much of a set-back 2. I've just spent the entire day at the mall, so I could use a bit of extra calories. 3. tomorrow is quad day, and I'll be doing a morning workout, so I could use the boost. 4. I'm all out of excuses and I happen to love my cheat day very much. In any case, here's today's awesome belly booster: Chocolate!

The bars from left to right: Japp, Mars, Snickers, Kinder Maxi - Hom nom nom!

Now let's get down to the nitty fudgy. Unlike last weeks pizza, I actually have control over how many extra calories I'll be adding. Each bar contains: Japp (2x135 kcal), Mars (228 kcal), Snickers (287 kcal), Kinder Maxi (2x118 kcal). That gives me a total of 1021 calories. And yes, I know that exceeds my cheat day limit of a 1000 calories by 21 calories - so shoot me!

In the usual manner, this evening's cheat fest will feature some kind of movie. If it'll be a continuation of the previous cheat day's Van Damme movies is yet uncertain. I'm sure it'll end well no matter what my girlfriend and I decide upon... as long as I'm getting my treats!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Training Day Forty Two

My diet is going rather well right now. I'm feeling great, I'm keeping myself fairly satisfied between meals and I can keep the intensity at the gym fairly high without burning myself out. It was with that very feeling - and a metal-crammed Mp3 player - I entered the gym for today's delts and calves workout.

Today's metal-crammed workout:
- 25x3 Standing calf raises
- 8x4 Calf raise machine
- 25x2 Standing calf raises
- 5x5 Dumbbell shoulder press
- 3x8 Dumbbell lateral delt raises
- 3x8 Reverse fly machine
- 2x8 Dumbbell front delt raises
- 2x8 Dumbbell lateral delt raises
- 2x8 Seated bent over dumbbell rear delt raises

Shoulder pic taken with my mobile cam this morning.

There wasn't anything wrong with today's performance other than me noticing that I'm not - strength wise - where I was prior to the operation. I guess that's what's to be expected, since I've not been able to train properly for quite some time up until today. Adding to that, I'm also cutting right now, so I can't really say that I'm aiming towards increasing my rep count in any way. However, in relation to my observable progress, I'm more than happy with where things are heading right now. My form is getting better and I'm feeling good while moving towards my new and improved body.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Training Day Forty One

Initially, I've blamed my recent lack of stretching as the villain in my never-ending knee drama. However, I've also noticed that my knee issue seems to be somehow connected to my hamstrings workout. So, it was with a fair bit of caution I entered the gym today.

Today's tri-hammy workout:
- 5x8 Stiff-legged deadlifts
- 4x12 Seated leg curl machine
- 5x8 Triceps cable pushdowns (v-bar)
- 1x5 2x8 Seated french press (EZ-bar)
- 3x12 Triceps cable pushdowns (rope)

Hamstrings mobile pic taken prior to leaving for the gym.

There's no telling how my knee will react from this workout, but it's definitely better now than it was a few weeks ago. I have been doing my last couple of hamstrings workouts with caution, and to add to that I've also been stretching properly. I don't think it'll act up in any serious manner, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

In any case, today's workout was the opposite of my previous one. While the last workout was all about cheating and lifting heavy, this one was about control and targeting the muscles properly. The only exception was the rope pushdowns in the end where I actually focused on intensity rather than control.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Training Day Forty

Lots of homework to be done, so today's back workout was a good break from the obligations at home. I also had to work for a few hours prior to heading to the gym - but everything went smooth after I finally arrived at my home away from home.

Today's sloppy workout:
- 6x8 Lat pulldowns (wide grip)
- 4x8 Wide grip seated cable row
- 4x12 Dumbbell shrugs
- 3x12 Supinated and pronated barbell wrist curls (3 supersets)
- 3x12 Barbell reverse curl

Mobile pic of a lat spread taken at home prior to my workout.

Today's workout was sloppy, but in a good way. The focus was not revolving around controlling the movement slowly and feeling every inch of the muscle work to its full potential. Today's workout was about controlling heavy weights with a fair bit of cheating. I may be wrong, but I'm all for a bit of cheating every now and then. Not only for progressing through plateaus, but also as a psychological benefit - sometimes I just want to lift heavy crap and not think twice about it. This was especially important today as I was finally able to pull off some heavy lat pulldowns - an exercise I've been very careful with ever since the operation.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Training Day Thirty Nine

Chest and biceps today, and for those of you who visit my website regularly, you know how much I love this workout. Unfortunately the enjoyment was short-lived due to obligations. I've got a busy week ahead of me, and things were awaiting me at home. Therefore the workout had to be cut short, and so will this entry.

Today's short workout:
- 4x8 1x6 Flat bench dumbbell chest press
- 3x12 Butterfly machine
- 3x12 Bench press (high intensity, short ROM)
- 4x8 1x4 Dumbbell biceps curl (One arm each set - no alternations)
- 3x12 Barbell biceps curl

Awesome shot of me pale as a ghost - enjoy!

Nothing wrong with the workout other than it had to be downsized due to me being pressed for time. That very fact led to a high intensity workout with short breaks in-between sets. Best part of the workout was chest - biceps didn't get utilized to their full potential.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Cheat Day Two

Yes, I know I'm one day early, but there are three "good" reasons for this: 1. Cheat day is much more fitting for a Sunday rather than a Monday, so I'm merely resetting the interval here. 2. I am feeling rather low on energy right now, and today is quad day - which is a perfect opportunity. 3. I've got a busy week ahead of me, so I'd rather enjoy my cheat day while things are still calm (and give the body an extra boost at the same time). Now that I've got all my excuses out of the system, let's reveal what today's naughty diet deviation is all about: Pizza!

Topping: Tomato Sauce, Cheese, Ham, Kebab and Garlic Sauce

Since I'm ordering a pizza, I can't really get hold of the nutritional information. That means that I'm just guessing here, but, I'm assuming that my pizza contains somewhere between 1100 - 1500 calories. The meal I'll be scrapping from my diet is at 551 calories. So that puts me at a rough 600-1000 calorie bonus for the day (1000 is the limit I've set).

With tonight's pizza I'll also continue on indulging in yesterday's 80's action movie cravings. Last night featured the old Van Damme movie Lionheart. In continuation to this, my girlfriend and I will be watching Universal Soldier tonight. Due to bad research on my part, I've now realized that this is in fact an early 90's movie. Lesson learned!

Got an 80's action movie to recommend?
Post it below this entry or on Facebook!

Training Day Thirty Eight

Today was Quad day and Cheat Day number two at the same time - a combo destined to be! What my cheat day is all about will be revealed in the following post. However, what this workout was all about is throughly revealed in this entry.

Today's cheat day quad workout:
- 8x8 Leg press machine
- 4x8 One-legged leg extensions (4 sets for each leg - no alternations during each set)
- 3x8 Lunges (3 sets for each leg - no alternations during each set)

Mobile pic taken prior to my leg workout.

Someone once told me that they've measured how well you perform to the music you enjoy (while lifting weights), compared to having no music (or maybe it was different music - I can't remember). Meaning that music would act as a motivational factor to work harder. I've not seen this study myself, so I won't say if that's pure bull or not. However, I'd like to see a study where they measure performance related to what you'll get to eat afterwards. I'm pretty sure we'd see some good increases when pizza awaits instead of a plate of broccoli.

All jokes aside. This evening's workout was gruesome, and the pizza I had waiting for me at home was a good motivational factor. Leg presses were heavy and the leg extensions took the pump to a new level. Instead of finishing off there, I decided to do an extra couple of sets of lunges - which was enough to squeeze out every last ounce left in me.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Training Day Thirty Seven

Sun is shining... or is it? The weather may have been weird, but the workout on the other hand was very straightforward - targeting the delts and calves perfectly. So, here's what this Saturday had in store for me.

Today's none-weird workout:
- 3x12 Standing calf raises (Bodyweight)
- 3x8 Standing calf raises (Smith machine)
- 4x20 Seated calf raises
- 3x8 Shoulder press machine
- 2x8 Front delt dumbbell raises
- 3x8 Cable lateral delt raises
- 2x8 Dumbbell lateral delt raises
- 1x5 2x7 Standing bent over cable rear delt flyes
- 2x8 Seated bent over dumbbell rear delt flyes

My weakest body part. It's slowly progressing in the right direction.

The picture features calves and it was a good workout, but the delt part was the most successful. Had an amazing pump during lateral delt raises. To add to that, I really felt that I could target the rear delts perfectly. A good way to end a good workout.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Diet fuel - What keeps my motor running while cutting?

When I'm cutting, one thing is important, and that's sticking to the dietary plan. That means eating what I'm supposed to eat, and not necessarily always what I want to eat. But, there are still ways to cheat on your diet without suffering severe consequences. How do I do it? By incorporating drinks, beverages, candy and fruit that are low in calories, or (preferably) containing no calories.

So, here's a list of  the things I use on a regular basis. What's in common for each and every item is that they're NOT affecting my results because A. they contain no calories, or B. they contain very little calories, or C. they are being consumed in a very low quantity.

The general idea here is to find a beverage that holds little to zero calories. Caffeine in itself seems to do well with suppressing hunger, and I personally tend to get a satisfying feeling when the beverages contain caffeine, are carbonated and/or contain artificial sweeteners - preferably all at the same time. 

Preferred drinks:
  • Coffee - Mostly used during the morning. I tend to avoid it prior to bed.
  • Battery Sugarfree - A high-caffeine energy drink.
  • Powerking Sugarfree - Another high-caffeine energy drink.
  • Coca-Cola Zero/Light - Needs no explanation.
  • FUN Light - Swedish word for this type of beverage is "Saft". Other than simply mixing it with water and drinking it, I also mix this down with my Quark during evening snacks.
  • Ice Water/Mineral water - I drink a lot of water each day. It satisfies me to a certain point, then I tend to crave something sweetened or carbonated.

The idea here is to only have candy that lasts for a long time, and, that is small in its size. Therefore it shouldn't be candy that easily can be chewed. It's all about giving myself something I want, in a small portion - with little calories - in order to satisfy myself for the time being. Any candy that's being processed for an extensive period of time is preferred, as it keeps me satisfied longer. Therefore, hard candy, such as Tyrkisk peber is awesome!

Preferred candy:
  • Turkish pepper (Tyrkisk Peber) - Hard surfaced candy with a salty powder inside. Fits perfectly with my salty liquorice needs.
  • Läkerol - Also liquorice in various forms. Tend to carry a bag of these (Giants version) in my pocket wherever I go.

The same idea that goes into candy goes into fruits as well. Smaller fruits are preferred in order for me to just get the psychological benefit of getting to eat something (without me adding too many calories). I always pick the tinier apples as well as the smaller oranges in order to keep the calories low. If there aren't any smaller ones, I tend to divide them and eat them as halves instead.

Preferred fruit:

Unlike the other items in this post these are not something I snack on in-between meals. I use these as fillers in my bigger meals. They are especially important the further I get into my diet, where my meals tend to get smaller and smaller in their actual size. The idea is to choose fiber rich vegetables in order to prolong the feeling of satisfaction after I've eaten my meal. I don't really concern myself with counting calories here, even though I have added the amount of calories into my dietary plan.

Preferred vegetables:

This was a short list of my various cheat items that I incorporate in my daily dieting. There's no magic about the them, it's simple a matter of eating a moderate amount, or eating things that contain no calories. Some might satisfy your needs, some may not - it's all individual. Hopefully you found something worth looking in to. The items are not fancy or unusual in any way. It's the thought behind them, and how we use them, that puts them to good use.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Training Day Thirty Six

Long day at the university today, which was accompanied by a triceps and hamstring workout. I've noticed that my peculiar knee problem seems to be affected by training the hamstrings.

Today's triceps tormenting workout (feat. hamstrings):
- 5x8 Horizontal leg curls
- 3x12 Seated leg curls
- 4x12 1x5 Lying EZ-bar triceps extensions
- 3x8 Triceps v-bar pushdowns

Last exercise for the evening - triceps pushdowns with a v-bar.

Opposite to the hamstrings, the triceps were good and ready for a beating. Didn't have to hold back in any way during that part of my workout. However, I did cut it short due to being pressed for time.

Hopefully this workout won't affect my knee in any negative manner. I'll take it easy during my leg sessions for now, and adding to that I'll also do cardio in form of seated bicycle instead of long walks (which seems to worsen my knee condition).

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Training Day Thirty Five

Today was back day, and in the usual manner I will enter each and every exercise in this post. But this post will also be the first that shows the downside of doing my operation (read about it here and here). However, it's only a temporary downside.

Through removing all the excess skin you can sometimes encounter something that the surgeons refer to as "dog ears". They are skin flaps that develop due to the skin having difficulties following the new path of the body. As you can see on the picture in this post, my right side has developed just that. As I've just said, they are temporary in the sense that they can easily be removed. Adding to that, I have been told that I do not have to pay for this operation and that it is only a minor one (it's even done with local anaesthetic).

Today's dog ear destroying workout:
- 5x8 Cable wide grip seated row
- 4x8 Row machine
- 4x12 Cable machine shrugs
- 1x12 1x12 1x12 Pronated and supinated barbell wrist curls (Each set was a superset)
- 3x12 Standing supinated barbell wrist curls (10 seconds rest between each set)

One of the "dog ears" - or "skin flaps" if you prefer - is
noticeable on my right side when doing double biceps.

A close-up view on one of the "dog ears"
that developed due to the operation. It
will be removed after I've healed, and
won't be noticeable after that.

Enough about dogs and ears, and lets get back to the actual workout. Today was an absolutely awesome workout that targeted the correct muscles perfectly. I used a wide grip bar that was slightly bent in a v-shape, and it really did the trick. Other than that I did some moderately heavy shrugs and ended the workout with some wristcurl supersets.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Cheat Day One

Cheat day - A day to deviate from the dietary plan and get a little extra calories in the system for some. An excuse to munch down on everything in sight for others. Personally, I believe in moderation even though I've had my share of extreme overeatings (you can't hold back when you're on a buffet - fact!).

So tonight I'll be adding an extra 1050 calories to my diet in form of a Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie. And yes, I know that they're extremely over-priced here in Sweden. And yes, I know that there's a lot of other ice-creams that are equally fancy. And honestly, I couldn't care less about any other flavors that they're making. But this one has grabbed a firm hold of my taste buds and is not letting go anytime soon.

There's quite a few flavors to choose from, but the choice is easy!

When I did my first journey I didn't really have any cheat days. It wasn't something I felt the need for until perhaps in the very end. I did, however, notice how this was psychologically very satisfying. To add to that I also felt that it was favorable for my progress. That's why I've decided to include a moderate cheat day for each week during my new journey. Reason to this is both because it seems to be beneficial for my training, but it's also because it holds somewhat of a social value. The reason why I chose today is because it's my girlfriend's birthday. So I couldn't really find a better start than that.

Enjoy your evening everyone - I know I will.

Training Day Thirty Four

Today was Chest and Biceps as well as my girlfriend's birthday. Best of two worlds clash together in one big mix of awesomeness! Tonight I'll be taking my first Cheat Day since the start of the new cutting period (will be posted later).

Today's biceps and chest workout:
- 4x8 1x6 Bench press
- 2x8 1x6 Incline dumbbell chest press
- 3x8 Cable chest flyes
- 4x8 EZ-bar Preacher curl
- 4x8 Dumbbell biceps curl

Biceps curl - last set.

Side chest with a bit of pump.

Was a good workout, especially as far as biceps goes. Chest was slightly held back as I was benching without anyone to spot me (the gym was closed, so I was on my own).

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Training Day Thirty Three

Tonight I'll be kicking back at the cinema with my girlfriend who celebrates her birthday tomorrow. It'll be an early present of sort and a night out for us. But before that, it was time to hit the gym, where the quads were getting a present of their own - pain.

This afternoon's quadfest:
- 3x8 One-legged leg extensions
- 3x8 Squat machine
- 3x12 Lunges
- 2x12 Leg extensions

Back to the mobile pics again - my current leg condition.

I've been having some issues with my right knee lately and I was worried that today's workout would suffer from it. To some extent it did. I had to choose my exercises carefully in order not to overstrain my knee. The quad machine was somewhat of a hassle, but it actually felt slightly better after I had pushed myself through it. The more warmed up I got, the better I felt. The stretching afterwards seemed to do wonders as well, and I will admit that I've been sloppy with stretching ever since the operation. Hopefully things will sort themselves out soon.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

My current diet: Update One

Today I removed all the pasta from my diet, which took me down 137 calories. I'll keep progressing - checking my weight and the mirror - and keeping cutting when I hit a plateau.

NOTE: Since most of you who visit my website are from Sweden, each item is clickable and will direct you to the Swedish Wikipedia site - which will explain that particular item.

Age: 29
Length: 184 cm (6' ½")
Morning weight: 83,4 kg (183,8 lbs)



Toast 35 (1,2) 3,85 1,5 14 91
Peanut butter (Organic) 50 (1,7) 12,8 24,45 8 281,5
Egg 100 (3,5) 12,3 9,7 0 136
Cottage cheese 100 (3,5) 12 4 2,2 92
Frozen Strawberries 65 (2,3) 0,52 0,26 4,2 24,5
Skip Omega 3 2 Tabs 0 2 0 20
Skip Mega-Pak 1 Bag 0 0 0 0

41,47 41,91 28,4 645


Cutlet 200 (7) 43,2 3,4 0 206
Egg 100 (3,5) 12,3 9,7 0 136
Cottage cheese 100 (3,5) 12 4 2,2 92
Broccoli 200 (7) 6 0 4 40
Margarine 8 (0,28) 0 6,4 0 57
Sriracha Sauce 40 (1,4) 0 0 4 20

73,5 23,5 10,2 551


MRI Black Powder 20 (0,7) 0 0 11 45
Skip BCAA No Limit 10 (0,35) 0 0 0 7,7

0 0 11 52,7


Skip Big Whey 30 (1) 24 1,9 2,6 117
Skip Kreatin 100% 5 (0,17) 0 0 0 0

24 1,9 2,6 117


Cutlet 200 (7) 43,2 3,4 0 206
Egg 100 (3,5) 12,3 9,7 0 136
Cottage cheese 100 (3,5) 12 4 2,2 92
Broccoli 200 (7) 6 0 4 40
Margarine 8 (0,28) 0 6,4 0 57
Sriracha Sauce 40 (1,4) 0 0 4 20

73,5 23,5 10,2 551


Skip Big Whey 30 (1) 24 1,9 2,6 117

24 1,9 2,6 117


Sunflower seeds 1 (0,03) 0,23 0,5 0,13 6
Raisins 15 (0,5) 0,37 0,07 11,55 49,5
Quark 100 (3,5) 12,2 0,3 3,9 67
Cottage cheese 100 (3,5) 12 4 2,2 92
FUN Light Strawberry - (-) 0 0 0,1 0,8

24,8 4,87 17,88 215,3


Quark 100 (3,5) 12,2 0,3 3,9 67
Skip Magnesium 1 Tab 0 0 0 0
Skip Zink 1 Tab 0 0 0 0

12,2 0,3 3,9 67


273 98 87 2316

||PROTEIN|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 60%
||FAT||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 21%
| CARBS|||||||||||||||||| 19%