Monday, April 2, 2012

Training Day Twenty Two

Delts and calves - rather small muscles, but very appealing if you build them properly. The irony of the entire workout is that they're probably my opposites as to how well they grow. My delts have always been a strong point of mine, while my calves are definitely lagging behind.

Workout for the day:
- 5x12 Shoulder press machine
- 3x12 Cable lateral delt raises
- 3x13 Reverse fly machine
- 5x12 Calf raise in Squat machine / Standing calf raises (Superset)

I always enjoy shoulder presses, no matter what form.

Had a really good pump in this exercise.

I'm quite often struggling with this part of the delts.

Exercise 1 of my calf superset

Exercise 2 of my calf superset

The workout was decent and I believe that supersetting the calves exercises was a good idea. However, I think I should have lowered the weight on the squat machine and focused on control and targeting the muscle.

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