Monday, April 23, 2012

Training Day Thirty Nine

Chest and biceps today, and for those of you who visit my website regularly, you know how much I love this workout. Unfortunately the enjoyment was short-lived due to obligations. I've got a busy week ahead of me, and things were awaiting me at home. Therefore the workout had to be cut short, and so will this entry.

Today's short workout:
- 4x8 1x6 Flat bench dumbbell chest press
- 3x12 Butterfly machine
- 3x12 Bench press (high intensity, short ROM)
- 4x8 1x4 Dumbbell biceps curl (One arm each set - no alternations)
- 3x12 Barbell biceps curl

Awesome shot of me pale as a ghost - enjoy!

Nothing wrong with the workout other than it had to be downsized due to me being pressed for time. That very fact led to a high intensity workout with short breaks in-between sets. Best part of the workout was chest - biceps didn't get utilized to their full potential.

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