Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Training Day Thirty

Today was back day and that means the Forearms family and Mr Trapezius are also invited to the party. So, without any further ado... let's get to it!

Today's rave party consisted of:
- 4x12 Bent over cable pullovers
- 4x12 Lat pulldowns
- 4x12 Seated cable rows
- 5x12 Shrugs (in multi-press machine)
- 4x12 Supinated barbell wrist curls
- 4x12 Pronated barbell wrist curls

With the help of my lovely girlfriend I got a new pic, showing my entire back.

Today wasn't really a great day. Can't say I pushed myself hard enough, nor can I say that I'm particularly happy with my current form. I am, however, happy that I'm gradually moving further and further towards my goal of a new and improved body. Gotta have a few bad days in-between the good ones I guess.

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