Sunday, April 15, 2012

Training Day Thirty Three

Tonight I'll be kicking back at the cinema with my girlfriend who celebrates her birthday tomorrow. It'll be an early present of sort and a night out for us. But before that, it was time to hit the gym, where the quads were getting a present of their own - pain.

This afternoon's quadfest:
- 3x8 One-legged leg extensions
- 3x8 Squat machine
- 3x12 Lunges
- 2x12 Leg extensions

Back to the mobile pics again - my current leg condition.

I've been having some issues with my right knee lately and I was worried that today's workout would suffer from it. To some extent it did. I had to choose my exercises carefully in order not to overstrain my knee. The quad machine was somewhat of a hassle, but it actually felt slightly better after I had pushed myself through it. The more warmed up I got, the better I felt. The stretching afterwards seemed to do wonders as well, and I will admit that I've been sloppy with stretching ever since the operation. Hopefully things will sort themselves out soon.

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