Sunday, April 8, 2012

Training Day Twenty Eight

Quads, quads, quads... quads! Yes, that's what today's post-easter workout was all about. Had a pretty swift workout, with fairly high intensity - which I'll probably feel the consequences of tomorrow.

Today's quadriceps workout:
- 5x5 Leg press machine
- 5x8 Leg extensions
- 3x12 One legged step-ups on bench

Love being back on this baby!

I seem to include this exercise in every quad workout.

This really took a toll on my energy. Little rest between sets.

This workout was slightly toned down. I never want to risk any injury due to heavy weights, since it's not that long ago I had my operation. So, I tend to reach my energy limit on more isolating and "light" exercises, such as the step-ups or leg extensions. It's just a sacrifice I have to make right now - one I'm willing to live with until I'm fully restored.

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