Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Training Day Twenty Five

Today it was time for a back workout, specifically the upper portion - including trapezius. To top it off, I spiced it up with some forearm supersets. What a good way to end a workout!

Today's spicy mix consisted of:
- 5x8 Row machine
- 4x8 Seated cable rows
- 4x12 Bent over cable pullovers
- 5x12 Shrugs (in multi-press machine)
- 3x12 Supinated and pronated barbell wrist curls (superset)

Heavy sets on this one - feels good to be back!

Lowering the weight here and focusing on control.

Bad pic - it should resemble a bent over pullover.

Multi-press machine - good for more than just presses.

Ended the workout with some wrist curls - oh yeah!

Holy tacos Batman! I'm back! Well, not entirely, but at least as far as rowing exercises goes. Today, I had absolutely no issues with doing my back exercises, nor did I feel any tension in the abs. However, as I start lifting heavier, I also notice I get slightly sloppier. Therefore I have to learn my lesson and stick with the focus and control that I've been forced to adapt to during my rehab period so far.

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