Sunday, July 15, 2012

Training Day Ninety Eight

There's lots of work to be done and it just keeps piling up. Oddly enough I seem more refreshed and rested than usual - at least considering all that's currently happening in my life. Today's workout will be followed by the a sweet and heavenly cheat day.

Today's quads and abs workout:
- 8x8 Leg press
- 4x8 One-legged leg extensions
- 4x8 Leg extensions
- 5x12 Ab crunches machine
- 5x5 Ab side crunches

Quads pic taken this morning before heading off to work.

Even if I do feel rather rested, it's still rough while I'm at the gym. I feel like the power and will to perform is there, but the strength is lacking. I remember this feeling from the previous journey, but back then I was far more worn out. Things are actually quite good right now.

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