Sunday, July 22, 2012

Training Day One Hundred Three

Tonight I'll be having my brother and his wife over for dinner and a movie. Hence, today's workout had do be done in the morning, which means I'd only be eating breakfast prior to heading there. But, since it's cheat day today, I decided to have an extra meal prior to heading to the gym. What that was can be read in the upcoming cheat day entry.

Today's quads and abs workout:
- 5x8 Squats
- 5x8 Leg extension machine
- 3x8 Step-ups on bench
- 1x12 Alternate leg extensions
- 4x8 Flat bench lying leg raises
- 4x12 Cable crunches
- 3x5 Side crunches on bench

Quads pic taken this morning after breakfast.

Had some extra carbs in my body as I headed towards the gym. Was expecting a fair bit of power in my legs, but was slightly disappointed. I'm thinking that all the walking I do at work affects my quad performance, as it seems to be the only muscle group that's really tired right now. The abs workout was, however, really good. It does feel slightly awkward training the abs ever since I had the operation. Nothing to worry about though. Looking forward to tonight's dinner.

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