Friday, July 20, 2012

Training Day One Hundred Two

Today is a special day. As usual I'm working and going to the gym. But, this evening I'll be doing something I haven't done in a long time. I'll be hosting a small computer LAN at my parents place. That's where I spent most of my time as overweight with my friends - playing computer games. It's time to revisit old memories. But first, it's time for calves and delts.

Today's calves and delts workout:
- 6x8 Standing calf raises (Smith machine)
- 3x8 Standing calf raise machine (Super sets)
- 6x12 Calf press in leg press machine
- 2x12 Standing calf raises (On plank)
- 3x8 Dumbbell front delt raise
- 3x8 Dumbbell lateral delt raise
- 3x8 Reverse fly machine
- 2x12 Behind-the-neck shoulder press (Smith machine)

Front pic taken at the gym during my workout.

It's noticeable that I'm getting further into the diet. It seems as if all the walking I'm doing at work takes a toll on the body. But, then again, perhaps I'm saving myself from doing the morning walks. In any case, today's workout was especially good during calves, and decent during delts. I'm not complaining. Besides, I'm too busy looking forward to tonight.

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