Sunday, July 8, 2012

Training Day Ninety Three

After several of cheat days where we were supposed to head to a buffet, but ending up at the hospital instead, we finally got there. And, for once, I had my cheat meal prior to heading to the gym. This very fact made me excited as I figured I'd be able to perform a little bit better than usual.

Today's quads and abs workout:
- 2x8 Step-ups on bench
- 4x8 Squat machine
- 4x12 Leg press machine
- 5x12 Cable crunches
- 3x12 Hanging leg raises

Quads pic taken this morning.

Holy buffet Batman! This workout was in no way filled with action-packed full-on rage-fueled weight lifting. I felt bloated, tired and had to struggle through the entire thing. Lesson learned! Don't do an all-in-buffet before heading to the gym - unless it's three weeks ahead!

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