Friday, July 27, 2012

Training Day One Hundred Seven

Started this morning as usual by having my breakfast and heading off to work. After that I got home, packed my bags, and went off to the beach with my girlfriend. Once we were done with our little trip, I dropped her off at home while I continued to the gym.

Today's calves and delts workout:
- 6x12 Calf presses in leg press machine
- 3x12 Seated calf raise machine
- 3x8 Standing calf raises (Squat machine)
- 3x8 Seated dumbbell shoulder press
- 3x8 Dumbbell lateral delt raises
- 3x8 Seated bent-over dumbbell reverse fly

Front pic taken at the gym after my workout.

Today's workout was definitely not done with a high intensity. Everything was cut short. I had no energy, nor any will to perform at a high pace. Hence, I used few exercises, moderately high number of reps and low intensity. I have to play it safe now since the body is tired. The mind is very willing though.

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