Thursday, July 12, 2012

Training Day Ninety Six

Went to work at my second job today. After that I had to go pick up my girlfriend and drop here off before I could head to the gym and get my workout done.

Today's hamstrings and triceps workout:
- 5x8 Stiff-legged deadlifts
- 2x20 Standing one-legged cable leg curl
- 2x8 Hamstring raises
- 3x8 Seated leg curl
- 5x8 Triceps cable pushdowns (Straight bar)
- 2x8 Overhead one-arm dumbbell triceps extension
- 3x12 Seated french press (EZ-bar)

Triceps pic taken at home after my workout.

I didn't feel that tired before I got to the gym today, and, mentally, I was in pretty good shape. The strength of the body, however, was rather drained so I couldn't really perform that well. The targeting of the muscle was without any issues though.

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