Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Training Day One Hundred Five

Last night I was absolutely exhausted, which resulted in me falling asleep in the couch while we were watching TV. This morning, I had promised my girlfriend breakfast in bed so that's what we both got. I ate my usual breakfast and she had hers. Today I'll be working evening, hence I had to do my workout prior to that (around 11 o'clock).

Today's back, trapz and forearms workout:
- 5x8 Cable row machine
- 4x12 T-bar rows
- 3x12 Barbell good-mornings
- 5x12 Barbell shrugs
- 3x12 Seated supinated barbell wrist curls
- 3x12 Reverse biceps curl

Back double biceps pic taken at home this morning prior to working out.

Had a pretty straight forward workout today. The targeting of muscles in the cable row machine was exceptionally good. The power supply is still a bit drained, but the exercises were executed quite thoroughly.

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