Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Training Day Ninety

The only pace that I got right now is maximum pace. Today I worked early morning, after which I went home, showered, ate my food, made new lunch boxes for tomorrow and then headed off to my other work place. Straight after my second shift it was time for a back workout.

Today's back, trapz and forearms workout:
- 8x8 Lat pulldowns
- 3x12 Bent over rows (in chest press machine)
- 2x20 Back extensions machine
- 2x12 Bent over cable pullover
- 6x12 Dumbbell shrugs
- 3x8 Reverse barbell biceps curl
- 3x12 Standing supinated barbell wrist curl (10 sec rest between sets - no letting go of the bar)

Back double biceps pic taken after ending my first work shift.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't tired now. Somehow there's still energy left in my once I hit the gym. Today's workout was planned with the idea of targeting the entire back, but keeping the strain for each individual muscle at a medium. I need to be smart about my workouts since I'm having a hectic period right now.

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